Enterprise Integration Services LLC

What is Tech Illustrator?

Technical Illustration is a specialized field in the world of graphics and design. Tech Illustrator™ allows you to harness the power of the "graphics language" for effective communication. Ti® facilitates creation of complex composite artwork quickly, precisely, and easily.

Illustrating the Challenges

Whether in the aerospace or transportation industry, manufacturing electrical components or metal parts, your firm's need to visually communicate product information has never been more crucial.  Today, precise technical illustrations are a vital element of the product assembly, operation and service, sales, and support materials your company relies on to compete successfully.  

The challenge? To convey complex part views with precision and quality while reducing costs, increasing productivity and accelerating the technical illustration process.

The Solution: Tech Illustrator from Auto-trol

With Ti as part of your overall publishing environment, you can optimize use of your engineering resources and design data to improve overall product cycle communications.